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Romeo and Joule


At rOMeo & joule, we believe that yoga, meditation, and life coaching are all effective ways for you to reach your life goals.

We manufacture and sell drishti charms for your yoga mat, which we call joules. The placement of the joule at the top of your mat reminds you to focus your energy. We also sell other rOMeo & joule merchandise.

We empower people to move their lives in the direction that they desire. We can help you reach outside your comfort zone to explore the good that you can do in your own life.

We offer yoga classes for beginners, experts, and everyone in between. Yoga exercises your mind as well as your body. We incorporate meditation and mindfulness into all of our classes.

Balance Stability Grounding

balance ~ stability ~ grounding

Let us help you face life's challenges. Allow yourself to create a more authentic life filled with positive energy through life coaching, meditation, and yoga.